Dolmen de Pierre Fade_1

PATRIMOINE - Dolmen de Pierre Fade

Rural heritage, House and building in Blessac
  • Listed and protected as a historical monument, the Blessac dolmen, known as Pierre-la-Fade (or fairy stone), dates back to the Neolithic period and, like most European dolmens, was built between the end of the 5th millennium and the end of the 3rd millennium BC.

    In the collective imagination, the Fades or fairies are genies of the air, woods, rocks and water who generally live in groups of three, hiding during the day in the crevices of the rocks that serve as their homes, and emerging at...
    Listed and protected as a historical monument, the Blessac dolmen, known as Pierre-la-Fade (or fairy stone), dates back to the Neolithic period and, like most European dolmens, was built between the end of the 5th millennium and the end of the 3rd millennium BC.

    In the collective imagination, the Fades or fairies are genies of the air, woods, rocks and water who generally live in groups of three, hiding during the day in the crevices of the rocks that serve as their homes, and emerging at dusk. This is why many dolmens are associated with the legend of fairies, and have become places of belief and superstition.

    A collective burial site, this rectangular dolmen would have had four supports and a table formed from two juxtaposed blocks.
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