©Denis Courty

Antiques, flea markets and depot-sale

Take the time to hunt in our flea markets, you will surely find a souvenir to bring back from your vacations in Creuse.


Brocante L’Abattoir

Rue des Combrailles
06 87 40 65 14 – courty23@wanadoo.fr
Facebook page : Brocante l’Abattoir

Brocante in a place full of history and memories: the slaughterhouse of the butchers grandparents. Vintage furniture, decoration, linens, vinyl, mirrors, dishes…

Open from 15/06 to 15/09 including weekends from 2pm to 6pm
Open all year round by appointment

The Compass

Robinson’s House

The Chapel of Theil
06 79 58 17 43 or 05 55 67 15 34 – antiquites.lecompas@orange.fr
Facebook page: La maison de Robinson

Appraisal and sharing services to buy and sell, sometimes restore. Dealer in art, antiques and beautiful brocante, curiosities, antique linens and fabrics.

Open all year long including weekends from 2:30 to 6pm.


La Brocante de campagne

4 Cherblanc
05 55 66 23 19

A multitude of antique and retro objects as well as a large choice of small antique or revisited furniture.

Open from April to the end of September: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm.


