Landscapes and patterns along the water
By turns rebellious, impetuous, bucolic and peaceful, rivers are an endless source of inspiration here: the Gorges de la Creuse (passing through Glénic, Champsanglard, Anzême, le Bourg d’hem), the classified site “Claude Monet” at Fresselines, the confluent of the Creuse and the Sédelle in Crozant, to the Lac d’Eguzon, Gargilesse, etc.
From Crozant, travel by boat rideor board a canoë with your easel to relive the history of this Creuse Valley.
Nature walk to discover the small heritage
The hand of man here more than elsewhere has shaped the landscape. Modest or majestic, the mills and bridges, these memories of the past, have always attracted artists: the moulin de Piot on the Petite Creuse in Chéniers, the bridge and mill of Vervy or the passerelle du Puy Guillon in Fresselines and finally the favorite motif of painters, the moulin de la Folie on the Sédelle in Crozant.
As for the towers and castles, they are the historical witnesses of the struggles of influence between Capetians and Plantagenets… the Castle of Puy Guillon in Fresselines, the fortress of Crozant, the Castle of Gargilesse, the Rocher de la Fileuse in St Plantaire, etc.
=> to discover: two interpretation trails reveal the landscapes that inspired the artists.

A thousand discoveries throughout the gardens…
Arboretum de la Sédelle – Crozant
Labeled a Remarkable Garden, the specificity of this arboretum rests on its formidable collection of maples (about a hundred species), classified as an “approved collection” by the French Conservatory of Specialized Plant Collections. A student and emulator of Gilles Clément, Philippe Wanty, its owner, helped by his wife, has kept the spirit of the concept of Gardens in Motion. Nested on the banks of the Sedelle River, one walks between the many varieties of rhododendrons, viburnums, dogwoods, hornbeams, to a narrow valley, built of heather moors, lulled by the gentle sound of the river. The Arboretum de la Sédelle is 400 species with 1000 colors.
Jardin Clos du Préfons – Crozant
This small, intimate garden was established in the spirit of the “moving garden”
Here “the wildness of the place, the colors, the relief of the landscape, the trees, the sunken paths and the granite houses seduced Christian Allaert and inspired his design of the gardens.” Each plot of the gardens has a particular atmosphere: go from a more ordered space near the building, to a freer space, marking a contemplative pause on the small armchairs in chestnut trees, without forgetting the vegetable garden part or even lower down in a wet meadow, the Préfons (meadow with springs)…
The fruit of the rosehip .. in Occitan “les Gargalhous” !
Located in Fresselines, the garden “Les Gargalhous”is acontemporary garden, perched on a beautiful hill: come and discover the important collection of ancient, botanical and modern roses, but also irises, peonies, asters or other rare flowers perfectly placed in this collector’s garden.