La Malcache
in Champsanglard
Starting point: Car park opposite Malval town hall (N 46°20.935? / E 001°53.257?)
1. Malval church (N 46°20.955? / E 001°53.194?)
Zabeth: In the church, you can admire a funerary chest inscribed as containing the heart of a scientist by the name of B. De Salignacq. No need to check! To the right of this stone chest, you'll notice that a column has been mounted upside down. Astonishing, isn't it?
In what year did B. De Salignacq die?
Add the 4 digits that make up the date to obtain a...Starting point: Car park opposite Malval town hall (N 46°20.935? / E 001°53.257?)
1. Malval church (N 46°20.955? / E 001°53.194?)
Zabeth: In the church, you can admire a funerary chest inscribed as containing the heart of a scientist by the name of B. De Salignacq. No need to check! To the right of this stone chest, you'll notice that a column has been mounted upside down. Astonishing, isn't it?
In what year did B. De Salignacq die?
Add the 4 digits that make up the date to obtain a number.
Write this number down as "A". A=_____
Directions are on site to help you!
Continue to the next point (N 46°20,976? / E 001°53,167?)
Zéroïk asks you to find the coat of arms that adorned the door of the tower mentioned on the sign. It's on a farm in the village