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Légende de la pierre des Fades

Historic site and monument, House and building in Malleret
  • Pierre des fades in the Malleret commune in south-east Creuse, means "Fairy Stone" as do others in Haute-Corrèze * dolmen La Pécoulière Lamazière Haute. The Pierre des Fades is a druidic stone, consisting of a granite block with two eroded basins at the top. Legends have it that these basin-shaped hollows are man-made, and were intended to receive the blood of victims sacrificed here. According to another legend, in the 14th century, a lord of Ségonzat worshipped the stone privately, and saw...
    Pierre des fades in the Malleret commune in south-east Creuse, means "Fairy Stone" as do others in Haute-Corrèze * dolmen La Pécoulière Lamazière Haute. The Pierre des Fades is a druidic stone, consisting of a granite block with two eroded basins at the top. Legends have it that these basin-shaped hollows are man-made, and were intended to receive the blood of victims sacrificed here. According to another legend, in the 14th century, a lord of Ségonzat worshipped the stone privately, and saw a fairy at the top of it.