- By joining: Joining the Tourist Office means showing support for the association and its actions:
Membership is for any individual or legal entity wishing to participate in the development of the tourist destination by supporting the actions of the Tourist Office. It allows him to express himself during the General Assembly. Membership covers a calendar year (from January to December.)
Membership fee amount:
- Individuals: 15 €
- Traders, producers, shopkeepers, tourist sites, associations: 25 €
- Owners of rentals, guest rooms, campsites: 35 €
- Restaurateurs: 35 €
- Hoteliers: 55 €
- By choosing our promotion formula:
The Tourist Office offers a promotion formula, allowing you to bring additional visibility for your structure. The formula includes the promotion of your activity on:
- The website www.tourisme-creuse.com/monts-de-gueret via specific inserts
- The TV screens at the Tourist Office reception desk
- A display reserved for your business cards and flyers
- Our social networks
- Our newsletter
We remain at your disposal for more information 05 55 52 14 29 – info@gueret-tourisme.fr

A form concerning your activity/establishment is filled in by our services. This information is posted on our website and on the Tourism in Creuse website. Thank you for consulting the information concerning you and making sure that it is valid. For any modification, we ask you to inform us of your elements.
Evolis 23 has put together a communication kit for your tourists. Feel free to download it and visit the Evolis website for more information.